Global Business Perspectives

Certificate in International Business and Finance CIBSS Logo

The CIBSS International Business School Certificate Programs are offered primarily to graduate and undergraduate business students. Admission is also granted to professionals interested to learn about the global economic, cultural, legal, and political environments in major business locations. Each class is limited to 15 participants. The CIBSS International Business Programs are supported by a distance learning Course Management System (CMS).IMG_2391

DESCRIPTION         Each 5 week international program is designed to analyze the business and financial environments in the destination country by introducing fundamental terms and principles and, by examining the dynamics of the global economy within a comparative cultural, political and legal framework.  A special emphasis will be given to the strategies and tactics behind the international business operations which are the major engines of the world economic growth.  The global financial environment section will explain and discuss basic concepts related to the foreign exchange rates, working capital management techniques, financing sources available to multinational corporations and the risks involved in direct foreign investment.  This course will also present practical ways of searching and identifying potential business opportunities, and how to capitalize on regional competitive advantages by properly planning and implementing trade and marketing operations. 

OBJECTIVES         Students will be introduced to the primary factors that govern and influence international business and global financial operations.  They will better understand how sound business decisions are made, and how to develop and implement wining business strategies.

FORMAT        An introductory session is scheduled on Wednesday during the first week of the program. It consists of a Video Conference from our Head Quarter located just across the street from the New York Stock Exchange.

A 16 days field trip starts on Saturday of the same first week. Six more online sessions will complete the program. A Final Project is due on Monday of the 5th week.


CIBSS Global Network is serving the international business and academic communities.


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